Koz portrays a number of characters in BIG TOP RADIO. From Vince Neil of Motley Crue, to Freddy Mercury of Queen, Koz belts out your favourite melodies from the greatest era ever!! Hailing from Winnipeg, Canada, Koz morphs into each character with ease and emulates each artist impeccably! Koz loves long walks on the beach, stealing the food from our rider, and truck stop rest rooms.

Undeniably handsome.. in his eyes anyways! Pretending to be something he’s not is his specialty. That’s why he loves to impersonate Dee Snider (Twisted Sister), Bret Michaels (Poison), Kevin Dubro (Quiet Riot), Stephen Pearcy (Ratt) and Alice Cooper when performing with BIG TOP RADIO. Roxxy Roxx loves his 80’s music as much as he loves his Gin and brings it every single night! Favorite movie- Fight Club. He broke the first rule, you don’t talk about Fight Club and he never shuts up about it. Growing up his parents were part of a traveling Circus and this is where he started chiseling away at his performance and makeup skills performing numbers for the elephants and clowns after the show. This guy is definitely a sure fit for BIG TOP RADIO.

Joey I. Zephyr
Lead Guitar
Raised on a steady diet of early 80s AOR and Hair Metal., Jiz is the guitar backbone of BIG TOP RADIO. An energetic performer in his own right. He takes supreme pleasure in emulating many great guitarist throughout the course of the show.

G-spot. The one and only. Almost impossible to find, but when you do, you'll know it. Perched on his groove throne bashing the tubs, G-Spot flies with Jet in harmonious rhythm all night long!!

Whenever you want to spice things up, you sprinkle in the PEPPER.....TJ Pepper that is!! TJ brings the heat in every character performance and delivers the sizzle
BIG TOP RADIO guarantees!!

Always ready to belt out into a mic, Spunky Brewster commands an audience with her grit rock attitude. Never afraid to scream the high notes, she delivers a fast paced and highly energetic performance
BIG TOP RADIO promises!!

AJ the "ADAMAL" will blast you silly with his vocal pipes of steel! He welcomes you to his jungle anytime, ladies. ADAMAL will time warp you through the likes of your favourite Def Leppard, Van Halen and AC/DC hits plus more! Want to see ADAMAL come out in force.....just add Vodka!